You can join us for our Sunday Morning Services at 9AM & 10:30AM! Or You can still join us online Sundays at 10:30AM- and enjoy virtual fellowship & watch right here on sonrise.net
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sunday mornings, at 8AM, it's Sunday School time! Our adult classes: Walking through the Word, New Life in Christ, the Marriage Class, Seniors Alive, and Living Hope. Learn more about these Sunday School Classes HERE.
Sonrise Church Kids Ministries
We'll have Sonrise Kids programs, for kids nursery aged thru 5th Grade, at both services mentioned above!
Wednesday Night Bible Study
In our Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Mike, we are walking through the book of 1 Corinthians. You can join us here at the church or by tuning in here on sonrise.net at 6:30PM. We will also have pre-school and elementary programs during this hour where you can check your kids in while you enjoy the Bible Study!
Sonrise Youth
Sonrise Middle School (SMS) and High School (SHS) meet Wednesday Nights at 6:30PM and Sunday Mornings at 10:30AM. The Crossroads Young Adults (Ages 18-25) meet every Wednesday at 6:30PM and Friday Nights.